Market <ADA, DJED>
Policy: 68f2f3...3427
{ "algo": { "link": [ "", "abd" ], "name": "Market", "utxo": [ "f3add5263efda7b41c55651f19e3ff02e41e9fb6d751062e4d1a30c5579a73ba", "#0" ], "description": [ "A market order is used to immediately execute a buy or sell trad", "e at the current best available price, emphasizing speed over pr", "ice precision. It's suitable for liquid markets where quick exec", "ution is prioritized, though it may result in slippage, with the", " executed price potentially differing from the initial quoted pr", "ice. The order will only execute, if the order book is well form", "ed." ] }, "init": { "state": {}, "balance": { "ADA": 2000000000, "DJED": 0 } }, "name": "Market <ADA, DJED>", "image": "ipfs://Qmd5MEWwSBfzwouvTpD7JJE1PZKiRPv1et9RJfi91zzMRY", "strat": { "link": "", "name": "", "description": "" }, "assets": [ "", [ "8db269c3ec630e06ae29f74bc39edd1f87c819f1056206e879a1cd61446a6564", "4d6963726f555344" ] ], "params": { "endDate": "2100-01-31T23:59:59.000Z", "startDate": "1990-01-31T23:59:59.000Z" }, "website": "", "mediaType": "image/png" }