Limit <ADA, DCD>
Policy: ec2b29...15f7
{ "algo": { "link": [ "", "da3" ], "name": "Limit", "utxo": [ "0ba3fda43c41fdba83c03a2564dfae13b17ddb2502d291b6e05a53d6d5f9d478", "#0" ], "description": [ "Limit order purchases the desired asset `right` at the limit `pr", "ice` or better. This order type protects the user from executing", " at the worse price than the limit `price` set. However, if the ", "price remains below ask price in the order book through the enti", "re duration of the order then it will not be executed - hence it", " does not guarantee execution." ] }, "init": { "state": {}, "balance": { "ADA": 560000000, "DCD": 0 } }, "name": "Limit <ADA, DCD>", "image": "ipfs://Qme9HvvC1BCzKy8L2kr9KbT3U6MXQDiFsjZydurn9xKZFZ", "strat": { "link": "", "name": "", "description": "" }, "assets": [ "", "59bc0484225992f0fafffc472784f89f1c75e496cb570ec2922b9243444344" ], "params": { "price": { "numerator": 193, "denominator": 10000 }, "endDate": "2100-01-31T23:59:59.000Z", "startDate": "1990-01-31T23:59:59.000Z" }, "website": "", "mediaType": "image/png" }