Hush Money
Policy: 3947c8...a225
{ "Date": "2023.06.18", "name": "Hush Money", "About": "One pass; raw digigraph", "files": [ { "src": "ipfs://QmatRKXQe1Z487paNwDJrAc4h1KzJmy9WYgoUbbU3CUbaj", "name": "Hush Money", "mediaType": "image/png" } ], "image": "ipfs://QmatRKXQe1Z487paNwDJrAc4h1KzJmy9WYgoUbbU3CUbaj", "Prompt": [ "Send me a cute Ai bot that chops wood and your secret is safe wi", "th me 👀" ], "Context": "", "License": "Public Domain", "mediaType": "image/png", "description": [ "“Send me a cute Ai bot that chops wood and your secret is safe", " with me 👀”\n\nIt’s also made out of wood. Gruesome." ], "Digitographer": "Wheels of Heaven 天気輪", "Generative Tool": "Midjourney v5" }