Pastel Sunset
Policy: 50159e...e9e7
{ "name": "Pastel Sunset", "files": [ { "src": "ipfs://QmVkDLGJYJG9u9MrQg5ppi5FbMBGdGeDBdk7YpQd8D7c5J", "name": "Pastel Sunset.mp4", "mediaType": "video/mp4" }, { "src": "ipfs://QmPKnnyKdfGjTnwYTn96piCquoMf7vdCFciNg89imjABfC", "name": "Thumbnail.jpg", "mediaType": "image/jpg" } ], "image": "ipfs://QmPKnnyKdfGjTnwYTn96piCquoMf7vdCFciNg89imjABfC", "artist": "diorjee", "traits": [ "pastel sunset", "pink sunset", "beach sunset", "ocean", "girl on beach" ], "mediaType": "image/jpg", "publisher": [ "Artano" ], "royalties": [ { "rate": "0.1", "address": [ "addr1q988s6fztzjh2j57zvrwhzeyzyslsnyz0z7jjmlxgwlpnd0pakkyx6v2qz4", "zqhlz8vzcskuv4j5wkc6tmah530f2pfjss5myfu" ] } ], "description": [ "That moment when the sky slowly changes its hue according to the", " passing of time, where the sun leisurely sets itself down, is o", "ne of the mesmerizing moments where people pause for a little wh", "ile to admire the beauty unfolding before their eyes. Sometimes ", "to relieve the time where they look back into their memory. Ever", "y now and then, there are days where the world seems to be shade", "d in this warm fuzzy feeling and can't helped to feel at ease an", "d nostalgic with the little moments that's happening in life." ], "additionalFields": { "beach": "clear ocean", "sunset": "pink ", "Animator": "Kevinmancodilla", "Music Artist": "Kevinmancodilla" } }