
Cardano Lotto Epoch 303 Ticket #43

Policy: a536dc...25f6


      "name": "Cardano Lotto Epoch 303 Ticket #43",
      "image": "ipfs://QmUT9baM4KRkQkqSgGCneCx8EZgwtezhm7AFr85QoW4M9N",
      "website": "",
      "description": [
        "The Cardano Lotto is very simple.  The entire system",
        "is automated.  At the end of each epoch, three random",
        "token holders will be picked as winners.  Send 10 Ada to",
        "to recieve one entry along with an NFT.  You can buy as",
        "many entries as you like.  All of the leftover Ada from",
        "each transaction will be held in the prize wallet.  The",
        "First place winner will receive 40% of the prize wallet",
        "Second place will receive 20% of the prize wallet, and",
        "third place will receive 10% of the prize wallet.  The",
        "remaining Ada goes to the project creator.  At the start",
        "of each epoch, the prizes are awarded, and the system is",
        "reset to zero for the next round"